Kuwaiti initiator Khaled Al-Rashed launched the first global legal platform “oqoud”, that uses artificial intelligence (AI) in both English and Arabic, during the GITEX Global 2023 exhibition held in Dubai. In a statement to KUNA on Tuesday, Al-Rashed, who’s the platform’s CEO, said that he chose to launch it in the UAE since it has the most developed legal technology.
The platform is currently in the trial phase with technology experts and is dedicated to lawyers, advisors, judges, business owners, and students of law all over the world. The website’s AI technology can help in presenting different laws and suggestions on amending existing laws, as well as detailed legal documents, he said, adding that more main languages will be added to the platform soon, including Indian, Chinese, and Spanish.
Demand for legal technologies is rising, as using AI lowers costs and time consumption in preparing legal tasks, said Al-Rashed. The Oqoud platform was developed in 2022 by lawyer Al-Rashed, who graduated from the faculty of law at Sharjah University in the UAE.
Source: Kuwait Times