With their harsh social policies, unbroken ties to terrorist organizations, and stiflingly narrow political rule, the Afghan Taliban have regularly ignored the pleas for change by the United States and much of the international community. Despite the Kabul regime’s coveting of political recognition and economic assistance, it has thus far demonstrated no desire to yield on policies it considers to be its Islamic birthright. The U.S. and its Western allies, witnessing the suffering of the Afghan people and mindful of their own security and broad strategic concerns and limitations, have sought ways to engage in Afghanistan that manage to avoid strengthening the Taliban government’s ability to pursue its repressive agenda and enhance its legitimacy. How to best deal with the Taliban is a matter of increasing debate among policymakers and analysts. Premised on the view that the current regime may remain in power for some time, this panel will discuss various practical diplomatic and economic options that could further American interests and the well-being of the Afghan people.
Source : Meiedu