Qatar, a habitat of over 300 species of birds, has emerged as an important stopover for migratory birds which fly hundreds and thousands of kilometres to find the best ecological conditions and habitats for feeding, breeding and raising their young.

Many species of birds cross the country twice a year on their migration route, especially after the establishment of many areas, wetlands, farms, parks and gardens, which greatly increased the number of birds visiting Qatar.

The migratory birds which make Qatar their stopover during their journey include European turtle dove, Eurasian hobby, greater flamingo, greylag goose, Caspian gull, Eurasian stone-curlew and long-legged buzzard, among others.

The efforts of Qatar to provide best stopover to migratory birds was demonstrated in an event organised by the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change at Expo 2023 Doha on the occasion of World Migratory Bird Day which falls on October 14.

Photographer and environmental wildlife researcher Hamad Al Khulaifi delivered an awareness lecture entitled “The Importance of Vegetation Cover for Migratory Birds” at the event. The lecture witnessed a diverse audience of different ages with the aim of encouraging participation and exchanging knowledge about the types of migratory birds that arrive in Qatar.

The participating children were educated about different species of migratory birds that arrive in Qatar every year, and their importance in preserving the environmental balance in the local ecosystem. World Migratory Bird Day is an annual awareness-raising campaign highlighting the need for the conservation of migratory birds and their habitats. World Migratory Bird Day 2023 will focus on the topic of water and its importance for migratory birds.

It has a global outreach and is an effective tool to help raise global awareness of the threats faced by migratory birds, their ecological importance, and the need for international cooperation to conserve them.

Al Khulaifi praised the efforts of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change in providing suitable wildlife for migratory birds, in addition to the Ministry’s efforts to increase community awareness of the threats facing migratory birds, their environmental importance, and the need for community cooperation to preserve them.

He noted the interaction of the children and families with the lecture and their keenness to learn about the types of migratory birds that come to Qatar during their journey around the world.

Bird migration plays an important role in the global ecosystem. Migratory birds help pollinate plants, spread seeds, and fight pests. Therefore, Qatar is keen to provide the appropriate environmental system to receive this type of bird. Qatar attaches great importance to the environment and its preservation as part of the environmental development goals included in the Qatar National Vision 2030.

It took a number of measures for protecting wildlife and their natural habitats, and in this regard, it has sought to establish many conservation areas and natural reserves for the purpose of protecting and maintaining ecosystems and their components.

Al Karaana Lagoon is serving as an important habitat for wildlife and aquatic life, providing a natural and healthy environment that includes different types of birds, swans, and others.

The lagoon also provides a green resting station and clean water for flocks of migratory birds that pass over the country. Despite Qatar’s desert climate, the peninsula’s long coastline provides shelter for all types of wading birds, from long-distance flamingos to the smallest plovers.

Source: Zawya

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